Pilgrim Notes

Reflections along the way.

Older Folks on MySpace

MySpace is not just for teens. A Times Online article highlights a recent Nielson/Net Ratings report that projects 2 out 5 people on MySpace (in the UK) are over 35 years old. Times highlights a variety of UK-based social networking sites.


  1. Having had a MySpace account for nearly a year, I recently decided to cancel. Among not using the account to make friends as much as I could have, I recently decided I was a bit to mature to have an account where teens like to hang. The day after I thought I had canceled, I began to receive a handful of request’s from MySpace users requesting me to add them to my friends list. Up until then, Jason York and his band, Wake the Grave, http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=40900327&MyToken=5894eb14-d712-4397-a8a3-472090a147cd
    were my only accepted friends. Nevertheless, I found it strange, that suddenly I was being asked to become friends with complete strangers. MySpace has not let me off the hook, yet. My account still exist even though I used the “cancel button” in my settings to retire from MySpace.

    Yes, out of the handful of requests, I responded to a 30 year old gal from Sievierville and enjoyed our back and forth bantering, for a moment. Turns out, she had a few more problems than I cared to be involved, but, she was genuinely a nice person.

    However, I now feel MySpace has a conspiracy team of people in all areas of the world persuading all who want to cancel to stay and make friends. If so, then, what a great marketing resource and no wonder MySpace is the number one on-line community.

    Does anyone find this ironic, or do you think a higher power intervened on my behalf? Btw – I’ve not received any other invites since the day after I tried to cancel. Except one, from a guy named Ray. Sorry Ray, but, I think I’m outta here.

  2. Exactly the same just happened to me. I don’t usually go in for conspiracy, but it is otherwise a strong coincidence. A couple of weeks of absolutely no activity on a relatively new account. Two hours after I cancel, a beautiful, intelligent girl requests to be put on my friends list. How long until Ray gets in touch?

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