Pilgrim Notes

Reflections along the way.

I'm So Generation Joneser and I Didn't Even Know It

Every so often I find myself in the middle of a group of people discussing Gen X and Baby Boomers. Then the inevtiable question: “What are you?”

“Well, as it turns out I’m sort of an in-between. Depending on what I read, I either am grouped with the boomers or the X-ers.”

As the chatter continues, my middle child syndrome exerts itself and I think, “Yeah no pictures of me in the “boomer or x-er photo albums!”

Today at work the “x vs boom” convo started up, and before I knew it, Don had sent word from the all-knowing authority on everything knowable: wikipedia. Turns out, I’m a Generation Joneser!

Or so says Jonathan Pontell. Jonathan has identified a whole group of us born between 54 and 64 as Jonesers. I guess those “in the know” already knew this, but alas it’s news to me. Nice to be part of a new group!

1 Comment

  1. I am so trying to keep up with your generation.

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