Pilgrim Notes

Reflections along the way.

Category: Society & Culture (page 12 of 13)


Dandlife is an interesting variation on the social networking. You tell stories and build a web stories that can interconnect with other story webs. Plus, companies can purchase these stories for brand research, case studies, etc. Marshall Kirkpatrick at Tech Crunch is uncomfortable with this idea. I’m not sure what to think. But the site is interesting.
Every day another social networking development. Seems folks are scrambling to jump in this phenomenon while it’s hot. It will be interesting to see what happens in a year or two with this stuff. After the explosion of various networks I wonder if some will fade or if there will be some connections between networks or if another form of tribalism will emerge with networks becoming more and more niche specific.

Solar Ipod

Iconoculure pointed me to a new portable solar charger for cell phones, mp3 players, digital cameras and other gadgets. Solio claims to power virtually all hand-held electronics. If you visit the site, check out their gallery for a cool presentation of users round the globe.


My Movie Muse

An interesting announcement from Hollywood indicates the customer experience may help guide future developments. The MPAA announced today the formation of an online panel called My Movie Muse.

The online panel, dubbed My Movie Muse, asks customers of the movie industry to periodically participate in online surveys about all things related to the movies – from theater attendance to home video rental and advertisements to piracy. These individuals will act as unofficial advisors on matters of interest to the motion picture industry.

I would be interested to see if consumers have the opportunity to critique more than just the films but theatre, ticket costs, etc. If they listen to the online commuity they are creating, this might have an interesting impact on the future development fo movie going.

If you want to be considered for the movie panel, visit My Movie Muse.

Update: Some folks had trouble trying to access the panel. Look at the bottom of the page on the orange bar.  It says, Not a Member? Click here to join the panel>>

Bar Brain

Jeremy’s been studying so hard. He is seeing things. Or people that is. Not dead ones, but karate kicking rangers!

Nylon Magazine

Nylon magazine recently started a MySpace page. Now you can here interviews from the mag on the MySpace page. This is a fascinating blend of social networking and new media. Thanks to PSFK for the tip.

He got the house!

For those who’ve been keep up with barter master Kyle MacDonald, you’ll be happy to know he got the house! He started bartering with one red paper clip and hoped to barter his way up to a house. 14 trades later, he suceeded!

What's a common jo to think?

So Al Gore tells me that the earth is in dire straits because of human interference causing the disasters of global warming. Then I keep running across articles like this from scientists who dispute any notion of consensus on the causes and/or reality of global warming. I recycle and try to live green, but I am not a scientist and rely on what the “experts” say. Unfortunately when I listen to the news or read articles everything seems so politicized, I’m not really sure who to believe.

Everyday I’m bombarded with issues from the Iraq war to civil unions to the environment. I read the various positions, but I don’t always know what to think.

George Stephanopoulos tells me that we’re a nation divided and increasing in polarization over these and other issues. But sometimes I wonder how folks are out there like me. We read the headlines, we try to be thoughtful, we wrestle with the issues, but we’re not really sure how to respond on some of these issues. Take the Iraq war for instance. I’ve actually talked to some national security advisers trying to understand, and I still could not say whether I am for or against the war.

One of my friends is writng a book on the problems with the war and our whole approach to the Middle East. He makes some good points. But I’m still unclear.

I usually steer clear of arguing some of these topics because I’m not a “true believer” for either side, and I feel pulled in both directions. I wonder if I’m simply crazy or if there are others who feel the same confusion.

A lonely boy in a lonely world

Larry Norman once sang,

I’m a lonely boy in a lonely world
There’s no place left for me

Just as Paul Simon responded to Donne’s essay, For Whom the Bell Tolls by singing,

I am a rock,
I am an island

And of course, Bob Dylan expressed the sense of communal loss by singing,

How does it feel
How does it feel
To be without a home
Like a complete unknown
Like a rolliing stone?

Well, the press continues to talk about the increasing sense of loneliness in our world. New York Times today returns to the recent study on the growing loneliness in our culture. The Western World and America is continuing along a path of loneliness, isolation, and unrestrained individualism.

I’m not sure articles are enough to respond to the increasing trend. And in a world that loves techniques and methods, I don’t think there is a technique to address this. Although I’m sure publishers are already excited about the possibility of publishing a new slate of books on how to combat loneliness.

The reality is unrestrained individualism cannot help but lead to loneliness and isolation. Short term, self focused relationships cannot stem a growing sense of personal loss. The Internet may open channels for sustaining long term relationships but by and large most of them are short. Most online communities do not have long life spans.

It take time, a long time, to build deep trust. And we live in a world that knows the latest technology, can argue and polarize over politics, but fails to build enduring. Deep trust gives the soul room to risk and love and even sacrifice. But it will cost more than the latest iPod. It will cost time, and ultimately it will cost our lives.

Most people may still fear investing what a deep trusting relationship requires and would prefer some technique that can start working tomorrow. But those who chose to risk it all and let go of today for tomorrow, may discover an intimacy most never even realized was possible.

Thank You!

Jeremy’s wondering the appropriate way to respond to a thank you. Thanks for the blog Jer.

Shop Wiki

The wiki engine is now serving a shopping portal. This has potential to takes sites like shopping.com and shopzilla.com to a new level. Shop Wiki searches 120,000+ stores, allows customer reviews, customer shopping tip articles, customer video reviews. And in true wiki format, the content is out there for review and update by the community (though not the videos). Pretty cool.

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