Pilgrim Notes

Reflections along the way.

Category: Uncategorized (page 11 of 22)

Creative Settles with Apple

Creative Labs beat Apple to the patent office by just months on the original MP3 players. When I bought my MP3, I chose Creative for the 40GB disc space and the dramatic price difference from i-tunes. Obviously iTunes rules the market. Creative and Apple have been fighting this patent battle in court, and they finally settled. Creative gets 100 million from Apple plus they can start creating accessories for i-Pod.

Looks like Apple is the real winner. iPod will continue to soar, and my poor Zen Nomad wander off into obscurity.

See story on Internet.com

Protect Yourself


Be careful of private information on public wifis. NY Times offered an interesting article yesterday about the dangers of travelers using the Internet in the airports or other public wifis. For anyone who travels, this is worthy caution to make sure you are properly guarding your info.

“Someone may have some software on their computer that allows them to look at all the wireless transactions going on around them and capture packets that are floating between the laptop and the wireless access point,” he said.

These software programs are called packet sniffers and many can be downloaded free online. They are typically set up to capture passwords, credit card numbers and bank account information — which is why Mr. Vamosi says shopping on the Web is not a great way to kill time during a flight delay.

“Where I’d draw the line is putting in your bank account information or credit card number,” he said, adding that checking e-mail messages probably is not that risky, but if you want to be cautious, change your password once you are on a secure connection again.

Using business center computers also involves dangers:

Last fall, InfoWorld magazine published an article about a security researcher who managed to collect more than 100 passwords, per stay, at hotels with lax security (about half the hotels she tested).

The Peace Movement in Israel

Michael Totten interviews a peace activist in Israel. But don’t expect him to sound like an American peacnik.

“I think what’s different from our peace movement,” Amichai said, “from the peace movements in the United States, in other countries, and in Europe is the question of serving in the army. Peace movements are usually pacifists and they don’t encourage their members to serve in the army. The Israeli peace movement believes that Israel would not exist if we didn’t defend it. There is a slogan that’s going around: If the Arabs put down their arms, there will be peace. If the Jews put down their arms there won’t be any Jews left. And I think there’s a basic truth to that.”

If you’ve got a moment, this is a worthy read.

Don't Fill er up!

Sounds to good to be true, but the buzz is that Steorn creaetd an energy source that produces free, clean and constant energy. Their inviting testing of their concept now. We’ll see.

If this is true, I want to put one in my Cadillac!

Finely Writely

After signing up and waiting for a Writely invite (and never getting one!) Writely announced today that anyone can now sign up for an account. So whoever wants to test another online writing tool,

check it out!Update: I checked it out. Disappointed that I wasn’t a part of the exclusive pre-release testers. While most of the features are similar to the other online tools I’ve mentioned, it does have an interesting collaboration tool, so multiple authors can work on a doc. And it can save in OpenOffice format. But for my applications, I still like ThinkFree the best.

Tapes, LPs to CD

Last fall I was looking for some good options on transferring some of my old tapes and LPs to CD. I found a few sites that explaining what I needed to buy to do it, but I wanted something simple. SciFi may have shown me the solution. It comes with the software I need, looks like it is easy to hookup. Let me know if anyone has an better ideas.

 Simply hook up an old turntable or cassette deck to the InstantMusic and plug it in into an available USB port on your PC. The included software allows you to convert your music to MP3 files, or burn directly to CD. It even smartly detects the gaps between songs to divide that old Journey LP into individual MP3 files perfect for transfer to your newfangled iPod.


Flip Your Lid

Springwise pointed me over to this interesting new application for digital videos.Now you can turn your videos in to short animated flip books. This might have some fun applications. There is a consumer version and business version.

Jeremy, Shutterfly addict, might find a new thing to give his wife.


I just posted a long reflection over at Floydville if anyone is interested.

Over the last couple years, my struggles with the failing kidney gradually drained my capacity to dream. I learned to find joy in the midst of my struggles and trust God’s goodness, and yet I had difficulty looking forward to the future with any expectation.

In the midst of this, I sensed God continuing to challenge me in Scripture to trust Him not just for today but for tomorrow as well. Abraham became a picture for me of someone who was moving toward a vision of tomorrow and yet still lived in the present reality of today’s problems. In him, I saw God’s grace at work and the essay below is a way of processing this. While others may not have kidney problems, I realize everyone struggles in different ways, and sometimes the weight of today can cause us to lose hope in tomorrow. This is my poor attempt to reflect on that struggle. Link

Embodied Prayer

I’ve been reading and thinking about how our prayer and worship is embodied in our actions. For someone who spends a great deal of time in the virtual world of the web, I am conscious of how important the physical, earthy material world is. Just as face-to-face personal encounters are fundamental in relationships, our spiritual life is not a mere abstraction in search of a feeling. Rather we embody our faith in our lives by the way we act and live. Our prayers may take place in private and public places of worship, but they should be embodied in our action. If I pray the needy, my prayer should be embodied through helpful action toward the needy. Frank Laubach taught me that when I am in public around people, every encounter can be a prayer and a blessing. Would that our world thought in terms of blessing instead of cursing and killing.

Anyway, I ran across an interesting series related to this that some might enjoy.

Transforming Sermons pointed me to a blogs series by John Frye about Jesus in the Margins. Take a pause from the barrage web news and find yourself inspired.


Now you can access most the Google services on one search through this

Google page mashup.Thanks to Ethan for the tip.

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