Pilgrim Notes

Reflections along the way.

Category: Uncategorized (page 8 of 22)

Dick and Rick Hoyt

You may have seen this but I finally saw it today. Wow! Powerful. Hope you enjoy!

Play Time

Here’s a nice little quote for the day:

“…play in its purest form is not entertainment, or business, or emotional escape, but an entry into sacred space. It suspends the world about us, perhaps for deeper or more joyful entry into that world. It is an engagement, often light-hearted enough, with the mystery of being.”

Anthony Esolen (with attribution to Johan Huizinga)

The role of play in my spiritual walk has been fundamental. In fact, the first retreat I ever led was called Holy Play. Thanks Anthony.

Adding Chat to your Website

Plugoo gives your website visitors the ability to chat with you using a widget embedded directly in your site. This might be interesting. I’m not a big chatter (or a big phone person) but some folks might rock on this, and I could see some cool applications.

via Solution Watch

Pocket Planetarium

I got an email from the Discovery Store this morning, and I usually don’t even look at them. But today I did and discovered 🙂 this cool device. skyscout.jpg

A SkyScout Handheld Planetarium. Using a GPS tracking system, it identifies your location and then helps you track the celestial objects in your area. Rock! It’s a little steep at $399 but this sure would be a cool thing to have.

Chew Gum, Smell Better

Freshen your breath and your body at the same time! Fuwarinka Functional Candy and Gum (wow talk about a mouthful) tastes great and makes your body smell good at the same time. Forget the deodorant and hand me a piece of gum!


via PSFK


A word for the day from one of my favorite poets:

“To find my home in one sentence, concise, as if hammered in metal. Not to enchant anybody. Not to earn a lasting name in posterity. An unnamed need for order, for rhythm, for form, which three words are opposed to chaos and nothingness.”
Czeslaw Milosz

Get the Firefox of Media Players

Built on a from Mozilla cross-platform, Songbird offers a great media alternative for pc, mac and linux alike. I’m testing the .2 preview today, and take a test drive yourself.


(via Make)

Update: I’m lovin’ it!!! It’s a music player and a browser: not to mention a media search center, social networking portal and a floor wax!

Chutes and Ladders for Adults!

Tate Modern Museum unveiled a new art installation. Slides for adults. If they add the ladders, everything will be complete! (via Artkrush)

Let the freenzy begin

Universal starts legal games against video sites with lawsuits against grouper and bolt. Well at least their not suing some 12-year-old girl.

If you're reading this, you might have a problem

It’s official, the United States is full of Internet Addicts. Yipes! I think I better spend a few hours googling that.

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