Pilgrim Notes

Reflections along the way.

Category: Uncategorized (page 9 of 22)

The Weight of our Actions

Every act should be performed as though all eternity depended on it.
Franz Rosenzweig

Great ideas and milking cows

“… all the really good ideas I ever had came to me while I was milking a cow.” – Grant Wood (artist who painted American Gothic)


How many people content themselves with speaking, and believe that it exempts them from acting! And those who listen are content with having heard them.  – Charles Wagner, “The Simple Life”

Sorry, I couldn’t find a good link on Wagner. I discovered this little book years ago in a used bookstore Virginia Beach. Wagner, a French cleric, released his little book “The Simple Life” in America at the start of the twentieth century. Americans embraced it and even Teddy Roosevelt heralded it’s value. This book was highly influential as a catalyst in the return to simplicity movement in America.

It's the end of the web as we know it!

It’s official, Web Pages are dead. Bryan Eisenberg offers a touching eulogy to the that once great paragon of Internet traffic. He writes,

The Web page was pronounced dead on October 9, 2006, after a long bought with chronic irrelevance. A large group of marketers attempted CPR and other heroic resuscitation techniques. Witnesses present at the scene told reporters that despite a few minutes of chaos, the Web page’s last moments were largely serene and peaceful.

There is talk of a MySpace Web Pages Memorial Group forming, and some web pages aficionados are gathering “on a hillside” at Second Life to comfort one another. The rest of us are just blogging it.

Jeremy's a Lawyer!

He passed the bar. Whew! I didn’t if I could handle his whining! But now we’ve got to handle something else!

Drudge Headlines

The number one reason I check Drudge is for the headlines. His headlines crack me up! I know folks say he is Republican operative, but I tend think there a little more anarchy in his libertarianism.

Today’s topper:


Don't Look Know But Here Comes Web 3.0

Just when you thought it was safe to pick up an O’Reilly book…Web 3.0.

Google to Buy YouTube?

Word on the street (WSJ) is that Google is in talks to buy YouTube for about 1.6 billion. This will be Google’s largest acquisition to date. Not bad for the YouTube guys, considering they’re just about a year and half old (Feb 2005). Looks like Mark Cuban will have to eat his words.

via Drudge

Keep the Blood Pressure Low

The American Association of Kidney Patients sent me an update today with one article that suggests 4 shorts walks per day actually do more to keep blood pressure lower than one long walk. I try to walk several days a week. It’s good for me and gives me a few minutes to think. But I like the idea of dividing it up into four shorter walks. For my schedule, it would be easier to do this every day rather than my tendency to walk about 3 or 4 days a week now.

Web 2.0 Winners and Losers

Micahel Calore, Wired News Online, recently asked readers for the best and worst of Web 2.0. Yesterday, he posted responses. Worst? MySpace. Sure it’s the most popular, but it’s also the ugliest and doesn’t want to play with other Web 2.0 apps. Here’s the rest of his list:

Best Top 5

Flickr (I likee.)
Odeo (I need to play around podcasting at some point.)
Writely (I personally like ThinkFree better)
del.icio.us (it is just me or is that hard to type?)
NetVibes (This is one of my faves!)



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