Pilgrim Notes

Reflections along the way.

Page 42 of 72

Convergence and the end of TV

This is the end of TV as we know it…and I feel fine. Jeremy set up his HDTV flat screen last weekend, running the cable through Windows Media Server. His television, music, internet, photos and movies are all managed by the same source. On the digital screen the switch between television stations and the internet was virtually unnoticeable. It apears simply as flipping channels. (And this was without the Venice Project!)

We watched some excellent amateur programming that will give networks a run for their money. With the falling prices of HDTV, the inexpensive access to good digital camcorders, and the vast pool of creative minds on the Internet–television and entertainment as whole has permanently changed and the “davids” are now entering the arena en masse.

My Gmail inbox finally has only spam

Email started feeling like a task, a drain, a distraction. After drowning in hundreds of unread emails, I decided that I couldn’t handle it anymore. I decided I’d start using the gmail labels. By thinking of the labels like tags, I just started creating tags for everything I could think of.

Creating filters in Gmail are much simpler than the exhausting Outlook process. You can create a new filter in a matter of seconds using from, to, subject, and keywords. Then you can choose to bypass the inbox and immediately archive it or delete it. At the same, you can set up a rule to immediately tag it. Plus, when you enter the filter criteria (to, from, subject, keyword), it immediately pulls of all emails with that criteria (like a search). So you can choose to apply rule to all those emails instantly.

Now everytime a new mail comes to the inbox, I either mark as spam, create filter, or read and respond if I don’t want a filter. This has reduced my time in the email box while helping me bringing important emails to the surface faster. Now I use Jeremy’s blog read concept by choosing what tags deserve daily attention, weekly attention or monthly attention.

LG-9800 Address Book

I bought the LG V last spring because I wanted to merge my Palm contacts onto a non-PDA phone. While I adapted to the PDA phones when they first came out, they didn’t really fit my usage. I use a PDA and phone in different ways and sometimes I use them at the same time, so convergence didn’t work as well for me as I had expected.

I looked for phone that could sync up with the Palm, and Verizon assured me this was the one. Well, not so simple. In fact, there is no direct sync. I bought some merge kit, which never worked. So for the past six months I haven’t taken time to mess with this and just let it slide. Yesterday, I thought I might do a little searching on the web to see who else had this problem.

Turns out the merge kit was a waste of money. I downloaded bitpim and eventually made contact with my phone (after following the instructions of a few other folks). I exported my Palm contacts to a text file. Then I imported that into Excel and created a csv file. Bitpim can import a csv file. It is supposed to import vCard files, but I was unsuccessful exporting my Palm stuff and importing via vCards.

Bitpim does seem a crash a lot (maybe I had too many contacts), but eventually I got it working. As I imported, it took me to a intermediary screen and I had to rename the columns using its pull-down menu. Until I notice that I kept clicking through that screen and getting an error. Anyway, I finally got the contacts on my phone and I am happy.

Getting Your Boss's Attention

My wife sent me an interesting suggestion from Quint Studer about communicating with senior leaders. He suggests that when leader ask for updates, they are usually juggling multiple projects at once and are primarily interested in results and outcomes rather than process. If you overload them with process details at first, you may actually lost their attention before you deliver the key points. Here are three tips he gives,

  1. Open with results and outcomes. Make sure you can quantify what you achieved. Good effort is no excuse for lack of results.
  2. Be prepared to explain more. Once a listener has been provided the results, be ready to outline “the how” if asked. This helps the listener know the key steps for success. Great organizations always look for ways to replicate strong results in other departments or take them system wide.
  3. Show calculations if requested. For example, by lowering the left without being treated from 3% to 1%, 554 patients received care that otherwise would not. With an average collection of $276 (554 x $276 = $152,904) an additional revenue of $152, 904 is generated. (Be careful not to overstate results, however, as you risk your credibility.)

She probably sent this to me because I tend to be interested in “why” questions rather than “what” questions. So for example, when I first pushed social computing ideas at JTV, I approached it from why this trend is important and why people long for community while continuing to live in isolation. Needless to say, by the third or fourth sentence, my boss’s lost interest.

Adobe Flash 9 for MacBook Pro

Last week all my flash applications suddenly quit working. I tried several times to update flash, but with no success. I would download the player, click install, and upon completing installation it would send me back to a page requesting that I update. A mad circle. Felt like I was stuck in some twisted online merry go round. Unfortunately, I’ve been working on so many side projects (like antiquing a nativity set) that I didn’t have time to track down a solution.

Last night while I was sitting up in the middle of the night, I thought hey this would be a good chance to solve this. After a fe searches, I landed on Versiontracker with better troubleshooting advice than the Adobe troubleshooting section. If you have this problem with an Intel-based mac, here’s the advice I picked uu from Jim Kessler:

I’ve been working on a client’s machine where “you don’t have the Flash plug-in installed” appeared after installation and redirection to:


Uninstalling and reinstalling had no effect. The solution? Repairing permissions with Disk Utlility. Then I ran the uninstaller (look on the Flash Player Support Center), and reran the installer, and everything worked.

BTW, check out versiontracker either way. It provides daily updates on software/freeware suff with comments (and troubleshooting tips).

The Christmas Spirit

I posted some more advent stuff over at Floydville this week. Here’s an excerpt from the latest:

Each year, I hear at least one person say, “Are you in the Christmas spirit?” Or another might say, “I just don’t feel like Christmas this year.” Year after year the refrain rolls on. I’m not always sure what the “Christmas spirit” is or feels like. But I think it has something to do with the anticipation and wonder experienced by many children.

Of course, most children live in a state of wonder from moment to moment. They might spend hours playing with their Christmas toys or they might spend hours playing with the boxes that held the Christmas toys.

Unfortunately most adults live in a world divorced from wonder, so naturally the Christmas spirit might seem elusive. Just as the anticipation of the tooth fairy, the hopes of finding a leprechaun, or the delight of a refrigerator box might also seem elusive.

Read the rest

Google Checkout – Short Term Loss for Long Term Payoff

NYT offers an interesting update on Google Checkout.

Here are my highlights: Aggressively pursuing merchants, Google Checkout waived transaction fees in November (through the end of 2007), and it has also been Checkout users $10 off $30 purchases at many e-commerce sites and, in some cases, $20 off $50 orders. In fact, Google is prepared to lose money on every transaction for the next year. Why?

They see long term payoffs in expanding their base of advertising.

 “It’s a way to incentivize more merchants to join our network,” said Benjamin Ling, a product manager for Checkout. “We want everyone who sells online to be a Google advertiser.”

The advantages for merchants include current savings, and a model that helps merchants generate more sales leads by increasing click-through rates.

Read the article at NYT.

Santa Spreads Cheer in Jewish Neighborhood


NY Times tells the tale today of a Santa celebrating the season with Jewish families in Hollywood. Apparantly, Marie Loomis-Shrier, a Jewish lady, loves Christmas displays and fills her yard with lights, candy canes, snow, and Santa. Sitting on her porch, Santa exclaims, “What is this Hanukkah you speak of?”

A Vision of the Peaceable Kingdom

What a treasure from Henri Nouwen’s Daily Meditation:

The marvelous vision of the peaceable Kingdom, in which all violence has been overcome and all men, women, and children live in loving unity with nature, calls for its realisation in our day-to-day lives. Instead of being an escapist dream, it challenges us to anticipate what it promises. Every time we forgive our neighbor, every time we make a child smile, every time we show compassion to a suffering person, every time we arrange a bouquet of flowers, offer care to tame or wild animals, prevent pollution, create beauty in our homes and gardens, and work for peace and justice among peoples and nations we are making the vision come true.

We must remind one another constantly of the vision. Whenever it comes alive in us we will find new energy to live it out, right where we are. Instead of making us escape real life, this beautiful vision gets us involved.

Danger Will Robinson….Bad Barbie On the Loose!

Hide your children, put away the pets! ABC reports that a new Barbie has some strange quirk: push her button the wrong way and she may call your child a slut! Yikes-a-hooty! I think your safer with a sock doll.

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