Pilgrim Notes

Reflections along the way.

Tag: firefox

The Browser War….It's ON Baby

Per Jeremy’s prompting, I spent the weekend playing around with the beta Firefox 3.0. While Firefox is a beloved old friend, I must admit that Flock and Seamonkey have been my mainstay browsers. But FF3 is faster, leaner and ready to take the battle of the browsers to the next level. NY Times today reports that Firefox, IE and Safari and all set to launch a new round in the browsers wars.

Interview with Songbird Founder, Rob Lord

A couple weeks back, I mentioned the developed preview of Songbird(the Firefox of media players). I think this signals another shift toward convergence. For those who are hyped up on this, you may want to read this interview with Rob Lord from the P2P blog.

Get the Firefox of Media Players

Built on a from Mozilla cross-platform, Songbird offers a great media alternative for pc, mac and linux alike. I’m testing the .2 preview today, and take a test drive yourself.


(via Make)

Update: I’m lovin’ it!!! It’s a music player and a browser: not to mention a media search center, social networking portal and a floor wax!

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