You may have seen this but I finally saw it today. Wow! Powerful. Hope you enjoy!
You may have seen this but I finally saw it today. Wow! Powerful. Hope you enjoy!
Suresh offers a nice reminder today:
Are you living? Is there a dance in your life? Are you moving, growing, risking, taking the challenges of dangerous paths? In the acceptance of the danger, in the acceptance that anything can happen any moment, life comes to its best, to its fullest.
His irreverent spirituality reminds me of Hafiz . As the wheels of E-Commerce are spinning around me, I am spinning inwardly in a dance before my Creator like a whirling dervish.
Here’s a nice little quote I came across while reading Anthony Esolen’s “Hearts Uplifted” in Touchstone.
He who sings prays twice. – St. Augustine
I tried to track down the original wording and according to the Church History Forum, this is apparently the original quote:
For he that singeth praise, not only praiseth, but only praiseth with gladness: he that singeth praise, not only singeth, but also loveth him of whom he singeth. In praise, there is the speaking forth of one confessing; in singing, the affection of one loving.”
(St. Augustine, Commentary on Psalm 73, 1)
Now while I like the theological accuracy of Augustine’s actual wording, I must admit it doesn’t pack the pithy punch of the traditional rendering.
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