Pilgrim Notes

Reflections along the way.

Tag: Kidney

Keep the Blood Pressure Low

The American Association of Kidney Patients sent me an update today with one article that suggests 4 shorts walks per day actually do more to keep blood pressure lower than one long walk. I try to walk several days a week. It’s good for me and gives me a few minutes to think. But I like the idea of dividing it up into four shorter walks. For my schedule, it would be easier to do this every day rather than my tendency to walk about 3 or 4 days a week now.

Let the Web Call in Sick for You

Sick of working? Take a mental health day, using Call-In-Sick.

Here’s their spiel:

Call-in-Sick is a revolutionary new FREE service that allows you to call in your sick message to your boss or employer from anywhere, any time.


Picture the scenario: You stay out too late on a workday night and decide to call in sick the next day. The next day you drag

yourself out of bed at 5am because you know your boss won’t be there to answer the phone.

With Call-in-Sick you can record your sick message the night before then schedule it to be sent directly to your boss’s phone early in the morning without you even getting out of bed!

Nathaniel, one of my co-workers, sent this to me via Mike Yamamoto. Maybe nobody is buying my kidney transplant excuses and want me to come up with something fresh!

Kidney Stuff

I just posted a new, long essay over at Floydville:

Five weeks and two days ago, I received the priceless gift of Izaak’s kidney. Each week my body grows a little stronger, and I feel a little better. Soon I will be back to full strength. Every morning and evening, I record my blood pressure, blood sugar, weight, and temperature. At different times through the day, I take a variety of medications.

Part of the challenge…

Kidney Update

Some folks have been asking about the new kidney, so I thought I might give a few updates. This Wednesday will be four weeks after the surgery. I’m still home recovering but I’m feeling great. The scar is still a little sore, but I am feeling stronger each day.

I try to walk at least 20 to 30 minutes a day to try and build up my stamina.

I currently go for checkups once a week. So far everything has been going well. One medication keeps my blood sugar elevated but hopefully when they reduce that things will go back to normal. My blood pressure has also been running a little higher than normal but once again I am on so many medications that hopefully as things come down the bp will also go down.

While I feel like doing more, I’ve been trying to stay home and rest, letting my body fully recover. They originally told me to wait at least six weeks to recover. I can go out in public but I’ve avoided large crowds. So I spend most of my day reading, writing and a little arithmatic.

When I first talked to the doctors last summer about transplant options, they explained all the medications and the effects. I wondered if transplant would really be that much better than dialysis. No comparison. This is so much easier on my body. Plus, I have been blessed in that the medications have not caused me to have some of the more uncomfortable side effects.

I am grateful for this new lease on life and am feeling better and better. Izaak went for a checkup, so I’ll post on that later.

Thanks for all the notes, emails and encouraging words.

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