Pilgrim Notes

Reflections along the way.

Tag: mp3

365 Days of Weird, Cool and Strangely Hypnotic MP3s

This site has been up for 4 years, but its new to me. If you like to listen to unusual music and more, check out the 365 Days MP3 calendar.

Never Say Never – Music Downloads with no restrictions

NYT reports that the stone wall is coming down. After years of vowing never to allow music downloads with no copying restrictions, the major record labels are finally waking up to the digital age. Looks like there will be some major developments during the next few months and over the next couple years.

MP3 Search Engine

Spent a little time this morning tracking some of the new Web 2.0 sites, and I put a few posts of the one that sound interesting to me. First, MP3 Realm, a music search engine. You can search audio files and lyrics, create playlists, download files, save searches and more. It could be interesting. While it’s a different princicple than Pandora, ultimately the playlist stirs me to comparison. I think it would be interesting to mash the search capabilities with the music  genome concept of Pandora.

Interview with Songbird Founder, Rob Lord

A couple weeks back, I mentioned the developed preview of Songbird(the Firefox of media players). I think this signals another shift toward convergence. For those who are hyped up on this, you may want to read this interview with Rob Lord from the P2P blog.

Get the Firefox of Media Players

Built on a from Mozilla cross-platform, Songbird offers a great media alternative for pc, mac and linux alike. I’m testing the .2 preview today, and take a test drive yourself.


(via Make)

Update: I’m lovin’ it!!! It’s a music player and a browser: not to mention a media search center, social networking portal and a floor wax!

Free Music Downloads

Speaking of music downloads, Paste has a pretty good selection of free MP3s available right now on their download page.

MySpace Music

Looks like MySpace is entering the music download world. Soon they’ll be offering bands on MySpace the opportunity to sell their music downloads at whatever prices the bands decide (MySpace will charge bands a distribution fee).

By the end of the year, Mr. DeWolfe said, MySpace will offer independent bands that have not signed with a record label a chance to sell their music on the site. MySpace says it has nearly three million bands showcasing their music.

Songs can be sold on the bands’ MySpace pages and on fan pages, in MP3 digital file format, which works on most digital players including Apple’s market-dominating iPod. (New York Times)

Free Audio Books

I love to listen to novels and poetry, but I hate to re-buy books I’ve bought in print. If a book is in the public domain, it may soon be available for free at one of the free audio books sites now emerging. NY Times recently featured several audio sites of interest.

LibriVox already has an interesting selection of books recorded by amateurs and professionals: all available as free downloads.

Telltale Weekly offers a variety books, dramas, poetry and more for a small fee with the goal of using the fee to build a large online library of free stuff available at Spoken Alexandria Project.

Literal Systems (strange technical name for a book service) has a smaller selection but they’re supposed to be professional recordings. They have a Dickens books, so I am already stoked!

Creative Settles with Apple

Creative Labs beat Apple to the patent office by just months on the original MP3 players. When I bought my MP3, I chose Creative for the 40GB disc space and the dramatic price difference from i-tunes. Obviously iTunes rules the market. Creative and Apple have been fighting this patent battle in court, and they finally settled. Creative gets 100 million from Apple plus they can start creating accessories for i-Pod.

Looks like Apple is the real winner. iPod will continue to soar, and my poor Zen Nomad wander off into obscurity.

See story on Internet.com

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