Pilgrim Notes

Reflections along the way.

Tag: Play

Bobi Jones

Here is a little poem from one of my favorite Welsh poets, Bobi Jones. Hopefully this will suffice in lieu of a good quote for the day. And I must also offer tribute to Joseph Clancy for the translation (as translation is an integral part of the poetic art).

The Middle Aged Poet

The child has dried up; his play and his sweat have died
His dance has shrivelled, besieged by bloated limbs,
And his leg’s sprightliness has grown bitter. I wonder whether
The muse can restore it in her swaddlings? Yes. Though finger
And thumb and ankle rot, praise will surely escape from their pit
By night, and make metre of the corruption: angels of mirth
Will still chat in the joints of the Poem. I bear within me
The innocents’ cheerful graveyard; an occasional night
Invites the remains of me to creep secretly out
To the early-patterned white leaves, and I dance a cradle’s questions
Through them, rhymes’ curiosity, till the dawn;
Then heavily, stooped, sad, in a magic procession,
Like lamentations that ventured out freely
For a time, they muster back to my silent daily ageing.

Play Time

Here’s a nice little quote for the day:

“…play in its purest form is not entertainment, or business, or emotional escape, but an entry into sacred space. It suspends the world about us, perhaps for deeper or more joyful entry into that world. It is an engagement, often light-hearted enough, with the mystery of being.”

Anthony Esolen (with attribution to Johan Huizinga)

The role of play in my spiritual walk has been fundamental. In fact, the first retreat I ever led was called Holy Play. Thanks Anthony.

Dancing in the midst of the fire

Suresh offers a nice reminder today:

Are you living? Is there a dance in your life? Are you moving, growing, risking, taking the challenges of dangerous paths? In the acceptance of the danger, in the acceptance that anything can happen any moment, life comes to its best, to its fullest.

His irreverent spirituality reminds me of Hafiz . As the wheels of E-Commerce are spinning around me, I am spinning inwardly in a dance before my Creator like a whirling dervish.

Chutes and Ladders for Adults!

Tate Modern Museum unveiled a new art installation. Slides for adults. If they add the ladders, everything will be complete! (via Artkrush)

Play Time

Just read an interesting interview with Andy Cameron about interactive design. The interview is filled with great links to a variety of interactive exhibits and interactive artists. Andy talks about the importance of play and interaction:

So now everyone’s talking about play. It reminds me of the 90s, how everybody used the word ‘narrative’ all the time – everything had to be narrative this and narrative that – but nobody really explained what it meant or why everything had to be narrative. Narrative is actually a very simple thing at one level – a format for telling stories – but it became this almost metaphysical quality, this magical, indispensable… something.

There’s a great online play site they created for Benetton. Check it out and have some fun!
Side note: I am a big fan of play and actively research it by playing every day! In 1938, Johan Huizinga wrote a landmark book about man as player (instead of man as worker) called Homo Ludens. In the 60s, there were many interesting books and articles on play. There was an expectation that as the West was moving toward a leisure culture where more time was spent in play. In reality, we’ve ended up filling more moments with work-consciousness. There’s not room to fully open up this idea, but I will say that I believe play is an activity I engage in for the sheer pleasure of the activity, whereas work is an activity I engage for what it will produce.

There is a balance between both. And when some people engage in activities they call play, they may actually be working. And when others engage in activities they call work, they may actually be playing.

At root, it has to do with the way I look at the world and people in the world. Is the world and the people around me something I use or something I delight in.

Give a Drink of Water

Did you see Millions? Great little film that stirs us to think about the lack of clean water in the world. Here’s a cool way to help and give kids something fun at the same time. It’s a merry-go-round that kids push, and as they push and play, it pumps water up from deep wells. The play pumps cost about $10,000 each but you can donate any amount toward one to go in a village that needs one.


Call Yourself Tomorrow Today

I stumpledupon this cool site that lets you program a text message, a time to call, and even the caller id number to call from, allowing you to send your self real time voice messages: so you call yourself tomorrow today. Play with it; it’s kinda cool.

Jackson Pollock for a day

Create stunning masterpieces like Jackson Pollock. Miltso Manetas has created a fun little create-your-own Jackson Pollock page.

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