Pilgrim Notes

Reflections along the way.

Tag: Web 2.0 (page 1 of 4)

Open Source Comics? Jeep and Marvel want you!

comics.jpgIn another experiment with online interactivity, Jeep and Marvel comics are creating a user generated comic book. While its not really open source, it still offers a sense of community participation by inviting users to submit story panels that may be translated into a developing comic book. Joe B informs me this is a variation of an idea by comics theorist Scott McCloud.

The Google March Continues

In another step toward the tower of Redmond, Google launched the Google Apps Premier Edition for businesses.

Got Pipes?

No I don’t mean a strong sining voice. Everyone (okay not everyone but a handful of geeks) keeps talking about Yahoo Pipes. I thinking about the possible E-Commerce possiblities.

Web 2.0 Advent Calendar

Celebrate advent and learn more about new web technologies at the same time. Check out hte Web 2.0 Advent Calendar. And while you’re at it, why not spend a little time with an Advent Calendar about Advent.

Also check out these advent calendars:

An Episcopal Diocese of Washington Advent calendar with interesting art, meditatins, and opportunities to help the needy.

Electric December offers a mutli-media advent calendar with dreams for improving our world.

Find out a little Christmas history at the New York Carver’s Advent Calendar.

Beliefnet offers an Advent calendar with meditations and interesting links.

Easy Bake Make Your Own Mashup

if you’re like me, you’d rather leech onto someone else’s brainpower, than try to do too much figuring out yourself. Some when it comes to technology that allows me to create quite painlessly (from a mental sense), I’m on board! Like ning, openkracow is a open source site that shares code and make creating applications fairly simply. This site is focused on craiting masup. Pretty cool.

Another Twist on Social Searching

I’ve explored a few different social searching sites, but nothing really grabbed me or made me feel like I was missing something if I didn’t use them. Not sure if this one will be any different, but it has some interesting features. Searchles allows you to connect with other folks who are doing similar search and post those searches to a common pool. Sort of a social my delicious I guess. You can search tags and groups to find like minded searchers. And the idea behind it is that people may find potential networking parnters for business, creative projects, etc. I notice several business groups on their, so this might have some interesting possiblitites. Time will tell.

Discover Musical Soul Mates

Uplay me promises to track your listening preferences and connect you with other people who listen to the same music. Could be interesting, could be freaky.

MP3 Search Engine

Spent a little time this morning tracking some of the new Web 2.0 sites, and I put a few posts of the one that sound interesting to me. First, MP3 Realm, a music search engine. You can search audio files and lyrics, create playlists, download files, save searches and more. It could be interesting. While it’s a different princicple than Pandora, ultimately the playlist stirs me to comparison. I think it would be interesting to mash the search capabilities with the music  genome concept of Pandora.

Great map resource for city information

Going to a new city? Lost in your own city? TechCrunch just reviewed the newly revamped Ask City, and they’ve made me a believer!

Ask City is  a cool tool for looking up restaurants, movies, events, dog parades, and more. It combines maps, reviews, and a variety of customization like saving snapshots while I search, integration with other sites and services, notes on maps, and e-mailable permalinks of my searches. Ask City may become my new first stop for finding out about where in the world I live.

blip.tv rules the video sharing world!

I know all the talk over the last year has been about YouTube, and I’ve spent my fair share of time browsing and uploading. But today I tested blip.tv, and I must say: it rocks!

This video sharing service offers RSS feeds for your videos, automatic blogging and cross-posting options, multiple formats and even multiple uploading options. And this is just the start. If you are serious about videos or setting up an online channel. Use blip.tv!! I love it!!

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