Pilgrim Notes

Reflections along the way.

Tag: YouTube

The Book of Wisdom

Danielle LaPorte posted this delightful video about the making of the book Wisdom. I like it for several reasons. Aesthetically, it appeals to me. But deeper than that I like the spirit of the project. Andrew Zuckerman respects the wide range of people he meets (and we meet in the video).

He values the voices of elders (something so deeply needed in our day). He researches their lives, their thought, their stories. But he is primarily interested in their relationships and their personal lives as opposed to their great accomplishments.

It blessed me, hopefully it will bless you as well.

Evolving Social Media Policies

image from fredcavazza

image from fredcavazza

I’ve been studying social media policies by companies, organizations, non-profits and even governments. It’s been about a year since I last looked over policies, and in just one year, the policies have grown in length and complexity. Every organization (whether you have a web presence or not) might want to consider writing up policy for protection and clarification as to what is acceptable and not acceptable behavior in relation to your organization and your employees (or members).

Here are a few highlights from my current research:

1. Policies are evolving. This is obvious but it exagerated by the rapid changing online technology. Each new technology raises new questions and challenges. The challenges of twitter vs facebook vs youtube vs blogging have similarities but yet each platform bring distinct questions to the table. For example, media sites like youtube are full of excellent and relevant teaching/training resources that may not be accessible if you block it companywide. I think there is still a challenge for addressing nuance in each platform.

2. Code of Conduct – Companies like IBM and Intel are referencing a seperate code of conduction that outlines expectations concerning how employees behave off line and online.

3. Three Types of Regulations – There are at least three different types of social media policies: organizational participation, employee participation, and user participation. While not all companies have policies for all three types of content, it is worth thinking about all three. All three types address legal issues of content ownership, confidentiality, and privacy issues. Organizational policy defines why the company is participating, how the company will officially participate, who is allowed to participate, and where this happens. Employee participation policies address everything from using social media at work, creating social media content, to mentioning the company (at work or away and the expectations for disclosure that they are a company employee). While I didn’t see much about social media within the company intranet, I think there it is relevant and important to encourage while providing direction for great engagement with company intranets (and social media applications) but that is another question. Lastly, companies are addressing user participation on company sites with regulations or suggestions about expected behavior as well as content use and customer liability for post content they don’t own.

123 Social Media has a good list of social media examples is you’re interested.

blip.tv rules the video sharing world!

I know all the talk over the last year has been about YouTube, and I’ve spent my fair share of time browsing and uploading. But today I tested blip.tv, and I must say: it rocks!

This video sharing service offers RSS feeds for your videos, automatic blogging and cross-posting options, multiple formats and even multiple uploading options. And this is just the start. If you are serious about videos or setting up an online channel. Use blip.tv!! I love it!!

Amateur – Lasse Gjertsen

This little sampling duet is cool!

Google Buys YouTube for Data

Why did Google spend over a billion dollars to buy YouTube? To avoid competition with Google Video? To tap into YouTube content? To utilize YouTube technology? It appears Google bought YouTube for the information they could learn about user habits.

Eric Schmidt spoke at the Web 2.0 Conference the other day and he shed light on a little of their strategy. According to Steve Bryant, YouTube’s “huge user base will allow Google’s servers to better understand what users want on the Web.”

“The underlying draw is to see what users are doing and have computers suggest related or adjacent content. It is a whole new paradigm and important to users,” Schmidt said.
So this data from the collective habits of YouTube users will help Google refine their ad-serving engines. And he’s betting that is worth a bunch more.


Dick and Rick Hoyt

You may have seen this but I finally saw it today. Wow! Powerful. Hope you enjoy!

Google to Buy YouTube?

Word on the street (WSJ) is that Google is in talks to buy YouTube for about 1.6 billion. This will be Google’s largest acquisition to date. Not bad for the YouTube guys, considering they’re just about a year and half old (Feb 2005). Looks like Mark Cuban will have to eat his words.

via Drudge

YouTube Toast?

Apparently YouTube is getting ready to be sued into oblivion. At least that’s what Mark Cuban believes. According to Reuters,

“There is a reason they haven’t yet gone public, they haven’t sold. It’s because they are going to be toasted,” said Cuban, who has sold start-ups to Yahoo Inc. and CompuServe.

Dang! I was just starting to like YouTube. One minute they’re the fastest growing video sharing site in the world and the next minute they’re a burned up piece of bread from yesterday’s breakfast.

I actually think there’s potential to find a way to keep the irreverent and diverse user-generated content while still making peace with copyright holders and even welcome more commercial entities.

Well here’s hopin’ Cuban is just showboatin’ and the zany world of YouTube keeps growing and shocking.

via Drudge

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